
The friendship bonds between the First XV and U12's at Ipswich Rugby Club are I believe now set for life. The age gap may be 10 and even 20 odd years in some cases but two things bind them together. Love of the game of rugby and the desire to support one another unconditionally. So why is this on here? Well it's about the collective, the group and the desire to back one another on and off the park. That support in a team game is essential if anything is to be achieved. If rugby clubs are to grow and flourish the divides between mini and junior and senior rugby have to be taken down and done away with. Boys need to be shown a pathway to senior rugby and seniors need to be accessible to make that happen. We are fortunate to have this access. I know it doesn't happen everywhere. Thank you to the the Senior boys that came down today with their gift and to the U12's for the way it was received. A very special moment.