What's in your tool kit?
The very best of everything if you’re racing today, wherever you are. Make sure your kit bag Is set up for immediate post race repair and recovery today. I say to all the runners that I see that regardless of what they hope to achieve from their running, the actual running part is the secondary part of their running. This normally draws a raised eyebrow but when I then explain that without the tool, i.e. the body, to be able to run, they can’t run and the whole thing becomes a non-exercise anyway. So looking after the body and running injury free has to be the goals. In that order. As runners we can train all we want to but if we pay no attention or respect to our recovery it won’t matter down the line as without recovery we will break down. There are loads of tools that you can use to help you achieve this and I thought I would list out my some ideas in no particular order. How many are in your tool kit? Warm Clothing for post race standing around. Compression Clothing Instant Ice Packs / Cold Water Therapy Flush Massage Self Myofascial Release / Ball Work / Foam Rolling Stretching / Yoga / Pilates / Core Club / Junior Core Club / Strong 4 Life Downtime Active Recovery Quality Nutrition / Hydration Sleep If you need any help with your recovery toolkit why not book in for a massage and stretch and we can talk through your running goals and plans. #LookAfterYourBody