Core Club Facebook Page To Become Members Only
As of the 15th October 2020 the Core Club Page will be for subscribing Core Club members only.
Members means anyone in a household where a membership has been purchased or anyone who buys regular single sessions.
Because the membership is growing so fast month on month and I need to have a home for content for members that adds even more value to a membership.
Content that you won't see on the JRSTT page, content that you don't need to turn up to class to get, content that you don't need to come to see me to get, content that adds to your knowledge of anatomy and helps you understand what you are doing with your body when you move it.
I hope this makes sense. I feel it makes your monthly £23.50 even more value added so if you were teetering on the brink and wondering whether to dive in and join the team, hopefully this gives you that reason to do so.
You'll still be encouraged to post and interact with one another on the page. The community is very positive and encouraging and long may that continue.
I will be drip feeding some of this new type of content onto the page throughout October to give you a flavour of the added extras that are coming your way as a member. Core Club Online, Boot Camp, Guided Runs & Membership Relevant Content.
So keep spreading the word if you are a member. Think about getting to classes and getting involved if you aren't. Core Club is movement not exercise. Remember that you don't need to be fit to move, but you need to move to be fit.
JR xx

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