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# RunOrWalk5kForTheNHS Film Goes Live

Just over six weeks ago, the government initiative of stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives was launched.

To coincide with the initial three week lockdown we launched the Core Club Online Trilogy to keep our community busy and together at a difficult time.

Along with the wealth of weekly Core Club Online tutorials and Core Stability and Balance sessions, Garden Marathon was followed by Confinement and then #RunOrWalk5kForTheNHS as the weekend activities.

We set the group a target of raising £500 for Ipswich & Colchester Hospitals Frontline Covid 19 Welfare Fund. Many in our community are on the frontline working for the NHS and they were soon joined by others in volunteer and key worker roles. It grew and grew and grew. In one week they raised a massive £15,004.83 and it’s still growing. You can still donate if you would like to via the link below.

We continued with a second trilogy. Hurt Locker was followed by King of the Jungle and today is a celebration of that amazing Run 5k weekend three weekends ago. This is our film of some of the people who took part and made a difference. Next Friday is VE Day. We have something special planned again.

Core Club. Movement not exercise.

You can view the film here


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